Usually beer commercials involve men trying to escape their nagging wives, models enjoying a cold one at the beach or a can’t-miss sporting event with the guys. This commercial, on the other hand, might make you reach for a tissue.
Guinness is gearing their marketing toward camaraderie and inclusion; a new spin with a positive, social activity with friends.
This made the team at SpouseLink think about how relatable this video is for military spouses around the world. As a traditionally transient lifestyle, moving from place to place with your service member or as a family, it’s hard to find your place in these new environments that can change every few years.
We’re not encouraging you to hit the bars to make friends, but this video does have a nice message of inclusion.
Join events on base or around your community to meet fellow military spouses or those with similar interests.
Think about joining an organization that aims to help others, take some time each week to volunteer at a local food bank or join a book club.
How do you meet new people during PCS?
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