On Thanksgiving Day, it is all about the feast. The Thanksgiving spread is second to none. It’s the star of the show, the one thing we are all looking forward to. But while the turkey is in the oven and the pies are cooling, don’t let boredom become the main dish for the kids at your Thanksgiving feast. While mom and dad work in the kitchen and visitors sit undisturbed watching the football game, make sure there are things to keep the kids occupied.
Leading up to the big day, you’ll have enough to worry about: How long should this turkey go in the oven? Boxed stuffing or from scratch? Red wine or white? So, we’ve pulled together 5 fun activities the kids can enjoy while they’re waiting on their meals. You’ll thank us later.
1. Turkey Popcorn Treat Bags

Of course there will be plenty to eat once the meal is ready, but a small snack might be necessary to fend off the hangriness. And any variation of the hand turkey is fine by us. Pass the M&M’s please… (From Jamonkey.)
2. Turkey Tracks Table

The kids table just got a little crazier… if you can believe it. Throw down a paper tablecloth and let the “turkeys” get to trotting. All you’ll need is some paint and a few pipe cleaners to bring these turkey tracks to life. (From Fun-A-Day.)
3. Mini-Pumpkin Tic-Tac-Toe
Forget Fortnite. This classic game of strategy will have the kids (and adults) trying to outwit each other for hours. Place a few mashed potato wagers to make these games really interesting. Good luck getting everybody to quit once dinner’s ready! (From Project Kid.)
4. Thankfulness Jar
Lest we forget what the holiday is all about among all the commotion, this Thankfulness Jar can help bring everything back into perspective. Leave it in a central spot and let everyone write down what they’re thankful for, from good health to glazed donuts. Dump it out during dinner and read everyone’s response for a fun heartfelt reminder. (From Doodlebug Design Inc.)
5. Thanksgiving Placemats
Can’t get the kiddos to sit still for a meal? Throw down some crayons and maybe you can keep them at the table that way. These placemats make for a great Thanksgiving keepsake, too. Add them to your scrapbook once the holidays over, or save them for Thanksgivings to come. (From Mama.Papa.Bubba.)