Try to pay off outstanding debts before you leave. If this isn’t an option, take advantage of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). Supply a copy of your orders to your credit card company to temporarily pause interest charges. Provide your orders to all financial institutions so they know your situation. Also, ask a loved one to help you monitor accounts in your absence.
Prepare your belongings
If you’re leaving on active-duty, prepare your furniture to be sent to you once you’ve been assigned to a duty station. You can also put your things in storage or sell the pieces of furniture you can part with.
If you’re going into the Reserves, you can use your Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). Talk to your recruiter to get the full details; but to sum it up, with the presentation of a lease, the Military will help you out with rent.
Check out to familiarize yourself with the basics such as ranks, cadences, basic functions of weapons, etc.
Bonus Tip: Make sure you’re working out
Start working up your endurance. Run, practice sit-ups and push-ups.
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