Military Spouse Magazine founded the Military Spouse of the Year® (MSOY) award in 2008 to honor Military Spouses of all ranks and from all branches of service. More than 1 million Military Spouses support and maintain the home front while our service members defend this great nation. The Military Spouse of the Year® award recognizes Military Spouses’ important contributions and unwavering commitment to the Military community and our country.
The Military Spouse of the Year® award solicits nominations from the Military community as well as all Americans in the late fall. Three distinct phases of voting follow, culminating in the announcement of the Military Spouse of the Year® at an annual awards luncheon in our nation’s capital in early May. The event attracts Congressional members, senior military and Department of Defense leadership. For 2013, Military Spouse magazine added an installation level to the award, ensuring that each and every base, district (Coast Guard), and state (National Guard) has a representative. Military SpouseMagazine‘s vision is to enhance communication and strengthen connections amongst Military Spouses at the local level
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