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Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world, and it doesn’t come with a paycheck or a guidebook. The life of a MilSpouse parent gets even harder when your servicemember is deployed and you’re responsible for all the decisions that go on in your household. SpouseLink offers the support you need to keep your military family strong, whether you’re together or apart.
Quick and Easy Meal Planning for Back to School
Between extracurricular activities and homework, your family needs to eat well and spend time together when school starts up again. See how Jaimi does it.
Homeschooling for Military Families: 5 Tips from a Veteran Homeschool Mom
Thinking of homeschooling your kids? Get smart tips from Anna, a Veteran military spouse and homeschooler who can show you the ropes and how it’s done.
Screen-Free Summer Vacation Activities for Kids
Finding activities to occupy kids on summer break is a challenge, especially with electronic devices around. Get tips to reduce their screen time on SpouseLink.
Celebrating the Small Moments as a Military Family
Missing out on family events when you’re away from home? Military Spouse blogger Jaimi shares how to capture the small moments together on SpouseLink.
MilSpouse Life: 5 Reasons Why I Chose to Deliver My Baby Off-Base
Having a baby in the military? Depending on where you are, you’ll want to consider your options to deliver your baby on or off base. See how MilSpouse Tara made her choice on SpouseLink.
What Is the Exceptional Family Member Program?
Being part of a military family is a unique lifestyle. Now add a family member with special needs into the mix. Learn about the military’s EFMP on SpouseLink.
Prevent Your Teen from Making These Money Management Mistakes
Learn how to identify money management mistakes your teen may be making and get advice from military spouses like you, on SpouseLink.
3 Ways to Support Your Military Kids
Military kids go through a lot, & are worth celebrating each April in the Month of the Military Child. SpouseLink Ambassador Tara shares tips to support them.
What’s Your Kid’s Spending Personality?
Ever wondered what your kid’s spending personality is? Learn how to know if they’re a saver, spender, or giver, plus parenting tips for each type on SpouseLink.
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